Author's notes:
This one-shot was originally written for the Age of Edward 2012 contest, posted at; this uncut version exceeded the contest's word count limit. A shorter version rated T was submitted instead. PLEASE NOTE: THIS VERSION IS RATED M FOR ADULT THEMES, SEXUALITY.
The story is loosely based on a Chinese myth, The Butterfly Lovers, which has a much sadder supernatural ending. Setting is during Tang Dynasty in eastern China.
Cultural notes:
The Tang Dynasty era was fairly liberal; divorce was permitted, and women could initiate it. However women did not have equal rights per se. Feudal era morals remained; women were still treated as chattel belonging to the family and men were expected to guide them throughout their lives. Women could be educated, although again they were expected to be under male guidance. Unsurprisingly, attitudes towards women were more conservative in the country versus urban areas. The Tang Dynasty also saw strong females in roles of power, including Empress Wu and Empress Wei (in addition to Wu's remarkable rule, she kept a harem of men).
Characters' Chinese names:
In Chinese culture, family names come first, with given and generational names following. Edward Anthony Masen would be arranged as Masen Edward Anthony (roughly approximated in this story as Ming=family, EnDian=given/generational name). Women typically keep their family name even after marriage. Chinese astrological birth signs are given by year and noted below by character.
Edward Masen = Ming EnDian - born year of the snake
Jasper Whitlock = Wu ZhaoXuan - born year of the snake
Bella (Bill) Swan = Shi BiLang (male alter ego: Shi BinLi) - born year of the snake
Charlie Swan = Shi KangHan (father of Bella/BiLang-BinLi)
Renee Swan = Xue RongNing (mother of Bella/BiLang-BinLi - kept her family's name)
Alice (Alan) Cullen = Shen AiLiu (male alter ego: Shen AoLun) - born year of the snake
James d'Eville = Xie ZhaoMao - born year of the tiger
John d'Eville = Xie JingHao (father of James/ZhaoMao)
Mary d'Eville = Bai MaoRong (mother of James/ZhaoMao - kept her family's name)
[1] min jiao - litter or seated sedan conveyance, generally carried by two or more porters.
[2] xiao di-di (shah-ow dee dee) - little brother
[3] mei-mei (may may) - big sister
[4] fuqin (foo chun) - father, more formal use
[5] muqin (moo chun) - mother, more formal use
[6] bàba (ba ba) - papa or dad, used more commonly within the family
[7] māma (ma ma) - mama or mom, used more commonly within the family
[8] qin ai de (sheen eye duh) - dear or love, a term of affection; may denote friend or romantic interest (Ex. "Good morning, dear" = "Zaoshang hao, qin ai de" (Zow shang how, sheen eye duh)
[9] 'passion of the sleeve' (duan xiu zhi pi) - slang phrase referring to homosexual desires
[10] qi (chee) – term used in feng shui describing energy flow
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Lovers' Academy
As she entered her chambers, a young man grabbed BiLang and put his small, soft hand over her mouth to stifle her scream. "'s me, AiLiu!" the youth whispered.
BiLang's surprise and flailing gestures made AiLiu laugh; she'd successfully fooled BiLang into believing her companion-maid was a youth.
AiLiu was as excited as BiLang about their impending journey, especially since she had a real problem in which to sink her teeth. As a maid she was exceptional at dressing ladies, but she was no longer challenged. Disguising BiLang and herself as young male students was a dare she tackled head on.
"AiLiu! You nearly scared me to death! Don't do that again until we are well-practiced at these disguises, or I'll end up in a coffin dead of shock and not in a min jiao [1] headed for school!"
"I'm so sorry, BiLang, I was just so excited about leaving that I completely forgot my disguise. I'm flattered you think it worked!"
BiLang continued to clutch her chest, feeling her heart rapid thuds slow to a more normal pace. "Ugh. If it worked any better, you'd be cleaning up a puddle of urine and laundering this gown. What else do we need to do before we get on the road?"
"I've gathered clothing and accessories for both of us which should last the duration of your studies. You need only try them on, and then ask your father to coach you a bit more on how to act like a youth. Your scrolls and supplies are packed, as are the goods for your quarters at the Academy. We're ready to leave tomorrow if you practice today."
AiLiu pushed and pulled BiLang out of her beautiful gown and into her new boy's wear, the looser fit, stiff fabric and wide sash hiding BiLang's slender figure. Taking a knife to BiLang's long silky hair, she shortened it to a length men commonly wore, pulling it back into a braided queue. BiLang's brows still looked too feminine, shaped into a soft, narrow arch; AiLiu messed them up, taking a small amount of softened bees' wax to press BiLang's brows into a more unruly, boyish shape.
They checked their appearance in a metal mirror; they looked more like teenage boys than the young women they really were. Giggling at first, they caught themselves then practiced laughing more deeply before seeking out Shi KangHan for further coaching on achieving the illusion of manhood.